Compostable products have gained popularity due to their green environmental claims. However, most of these materials are not strictly plant-based…

Nylon is an important class of synthetic polymers used in a variety
of products. Nylon polymers are aliphatic polyamides that are classified…

Acrylates and methacrylates are two important classes of polymers used in a wide variety of products. Acrylates are polymers made from a family of…

The global golf ball market was estimated to be over one billion dollars in 2017. It is estimated that each year, over 300 million golf balls are…

Plastics have become a major source of pollution due to their ubiquitous use in a wide array of products. Most plastics are not readily…

Micro- and nanoplastics pollution in oceans, lakes and other water sources is an on-going and well-documented issue. Sources and entry ways of…

In this study, the GERSTEL PYRO was used for the pyrolysis of various materials that are relevant to forensic analysis applications, including…

Plastics, micro- and nanoplastics pollution in oceans, lakes and other water sources is a well-documented issue. Uptake of these particles by…

Pyrolysis GC-MS was used to profile residual solids after drying aged whiskey samples. The samples in question were both 20 years old from the…

In order to improve pyrolysis chromatographic analysis of materials that release polar functional groups e.g. carboxylic acids, a simple and rapid…